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Good Gnus

Not the prettiest of our neighbours, the noble wildebeest rarely makes it into t...

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Conservation & environment

Stiegler’s Gorge…’ere be dragons!!

It’s been said before but we’ll say it again; a morning expedition up the Rufiji...

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Latest Nomad News

Great for Grazers!

The Selous is nothing short of Lush this time of year – and it feels like every ...

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Conservation & environment

In search of Lycaon Pictus

Our first group of guests in camp were no strangers to safari. Having met in Ser...

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Latest Nomad News

Karibu Tena

The lodge team has returned from a well earned holiday with their families. The ...

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Latest Nomad News

Cubs update

It's two weeks on since our last blog on the cubs, we have been seeing them...

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Sand Rivers

Fish eagle frenzy!

Soaring high A jealous croc wishing he could fly! Swooping low! Surveying its su...

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Sand Rivers

New arrivals

One of the Lionesses from the Tagalala pride has had two cubs, they are around...

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Sand Rivers

Dog days of Selous

Even a mud cap will do to stay cool in the afternoons! Slurp, slurp! Great white...

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