
Take a look at the things that matter to us

Sand Rivers


This beautiful Leopard is a regular sighting for Sand Rivers camp, he prefers t...

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Sand Rivers

Painted Dogs

This month we have been blessed with some excellent sighting of Africa...

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Sand Rivers

Crocodile Courtship….

Just before afternoon tea yesterday I spotted Emmanuel, one of our guides, obser...

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Sand Rivers

Camp Visitors

Yesterday morning after breakfast one of our waiters looked up in the makuti tha...

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Sand Rivers

Skimming on the Rufiji River

From the deck of Sand Rivers Selous, watching the African Skimmers fishing is su...

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Kiba Point

Elephant Tea Party

The sun had cast its last few rays over Kiba and the mighty Rufiji River and all...

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Kiba Point

The Day Of The Beasts

A hot sunny afternoon was blazing beauty over the camp. Our guests had left in t...

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Sand Rivers

Twigas…Supermodels of the bush

If you want to see Giraffe (or Twiga in Swahili) then Selous is the...

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Sand Rivers

June’s little gems

Below is a photo of a red bellied coast squirrel snapped on the rocks during one...

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