
Take a look at the things that matter to us


Ceasar & me…

Yesterday afternoon – excitement again! At around 17.15 hrs, a large group of ch...

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Mirror, mirror on the wall…

Everybody knows the popular sentence of this enticing fairy tale. It was the fir...

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Queen of the Lake

This is the MV Liemba. The world’s oldest passenger- and cargo ship still in ser...

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Greystoke grooming session

Yesterday morning. A lot of noise from the forest again. Actually, we heard it a...

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Conservation is all about grassroots…

A loud and enthusiastic noise was approaching from the forest yesterday afternoo...

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Greystoke chimps go tourist-watching

The past two days consisted of some pretty intensive but rewarding chimpanzee tr...

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A new place, a new start!

Changing homes from the beautiful north Serengeti plains to the stunning Mahale ...

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Steve & Kiri’s last blog

I know I’ll be back!99.9% of the guests that I have sat down to dinner with in M...

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Our last guests of the season.

Our last guests have departed and Greystoke is closed for another season. Kiri a...

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