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That’s mah boy!

When Jane Goodall first observed chimpanzees in the wild using tools, it was an ...

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Hemingway, eat your heart out!

Chimps are not the only stars of the show at Greystoke, Mahale. Afternoon boa...

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Snake charmers of Mahale

Humans, it would seem, are not the only ones who are afraid of snakes. Chimp...

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Chimps in camp

Does Primus have the upper hand? The boys came through camp yesterday and fed ...

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The Mahale truce continues….

The inter-regnum continues at Mahale with no outright successor to Pimu. Yeste...

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The drama continues

This morning Chimpanzees walked through Greystoke camp again. They seem to be ...

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The King Maker attacks Primus

While Alofu is on a self imposed exile from the main group young Primus is hav...

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Primus returns, the fight for Alpha male.

As I sit here writing the Chimpanzee’s are screaming not far from my office. T...

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Darwin returns

Darwin is back amongst the main group of male Chimpanzees, yesterday he walked...

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