
Take a look at the things that matter to us

Sand Rivers

Lake Tagalala

Lake Tagalala is teaming with life, we stopped off to view the Hippos, with ...

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Kiba Point

Joys of the off-season

As the rainy season comes to an end here in the Selous, it's always enjoyable to...

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Sand Rivers

Opening camp

We found the brothers near lake Tagalala yesterday morning, they were patrollin...

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Sand Rivers

Sand Rivers - my new favourite place on earth

Lauren Scott - Nomad's PR in New York The Selous. Or as I now refer to it,...

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Kiba Point

You know you’re in the Selous when…

After five weeks away, I'm back at Kiba Point. Things have not been idle. The ca...

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Sand Rivers


Pictures Courtesy of Andy Campbell Males often go around picking fights, of cou...

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Sand Rivers

The first discussion attempt on the Blog

Hello Everyone This Blog is a little different than your usual entry. Myself and...

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Sand Rivers


Masaa and guests on terra firma mirabilis Our Head Guide, Masaa, recently left...

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Sand Rivers


? Picture courtesy of Andy Campbell "Just a little to the left..." ? I love th...

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