
Take a look at the things that matter to us

Serengeti Safari Camp

Fantastic News re the Serengeti!!!!!!

In a letter to the UN World Heritage Centre, the government of Tanzania has decl...

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Serengeti Safari Camp

Migration and the Grumeti River

From Felix and Jacob, our guides at Serengeti Safari Camp: There has been some...

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We are here!

By Bas & Suzanne, Lamai Serengeti Yes…finally!! Our very first ‘blog’ m...

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Serengeti Safari Camp

Driving down through the Serengeti

I drove from Kogatende to Loliondo this morning. There is great game in the ea...

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Serengeti Safari Camp

Western Corridor and crocs in pools

Slightly cooler weather at the moment is a bonus for those out game viewing. Mos...

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View from the Library

Elephants and the Mara beyond. ...

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Serengeti Safari Camp

Migration in the western corridor. Update 7 June 11

Our guide Festo informs us that there was rain last night so the weather is cool...

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Serengeti Safari Camp

Serengeti Migration Update2

From our Nomad guide in the field, Emmanuel Njawa "There are many large groups...

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It all happens here

There are some very clever folk living around Usa River, where our Nomad HQ is l...

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