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Settling in: Life at Mahale

Life in Mahale National Park is easy to settle into for new camp managers. Late ...

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Conservation & environment

Stiegler’s Gorge…’ere be dragons!!

It’s been said before but we’ll say it again; a morning expedition up the Rufiji...

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Latest Nomad News

Unexpected Visitor!

This little beauty is a Green Night Adder I found outside my office! It was the...

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Latest Nomad News

Back in Camp after the Rains

Chada Katavi is back up and running after the rainy season. Rivers are still fl...

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Life long learning & growth

A little update

Gosh time seems to fly by, it has been an age since I wrote. Raleigh have arrive...

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Conservation & environment

The Gathering at the Mara River

To continue where we left off.. The days have been amazing with the wildebeest a...

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Latest Nomad News

The Arrival..

The migration arrived in our Lamai area on the 26th June. The sound was that of ...

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Latest Nomad News

An early morning drink…

The Lamai mongoose have been around camp a lot lately and have been a joy to obs...

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Life long learning & growth

Nomad Tanzania: Hot off the press!

Check out the coverage The Business Year gives Nomad in their upcoming book abo...

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