
Take a look at the things that matter to us


The grooming hand clasp

Chimpanzee communities in the Mahale Mountains NP may spend up to 23% (!) of the...

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Sand Rivers

Twigas…Supermodels of the bush

If you want to see Giraffe (or Twiga in Swahili) then Selous is the...

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A Sea of Black and White..

Some of us went out on an adventure searching for the Migration which we had hea...

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A new stove…

Excitement is the right word! Excitement about our old AND our new stove. Where ...

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Enhancing Lives

A day in the park-Chada, Katavi

Partnered with TANAPA we have a bus to take school ages children into Katavi Nat...

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Ceasar & me…

Yesterday afternoon – excitement again! At around 17.15 hrs, a large group of ch...

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Having a “BAD DAY?”

We all have them, those days of waking up on the wrong side of the bed where we ...

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A feast for Three!  By Kakae Saiteu

I went to the Lamai wedge with the Sheer family and after hours of searching we ...

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Mirror, mirror on the wall…

Everybody knows the popular sentence of this enticing fairy tale. It was the fir...

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