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Rains in the south ring the changes for the migration

In response to articles speculating whether the "migration will actually happen ...

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Latest Nomad News

Today’s collective noun: a “confusion” of wildebeest

A quick update for everybody since the migration is doing some unexpected things...

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Latest Nomad News

The wildebeest know not what they do

Migration update to make one chuckle, seems to be a confusing year for the beast...

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Latest Nomad News

Big herds in Kogatende and crossings a-plenty

There have been rains on both sides of the Mara River in the northern Serengeti,...

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Latest Nomad News

Crossing frenzy in northern Serengeti

After their very early arrival in the North, the migration is now well spread ou...

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Latest Nomad News

Fast and furious: beasts on the move

The beasts are still running fast.... Currently Olobaye is pretty empty, but sti...

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Latest Nomad News

A fresh new season in the Serengeti

Our guides are back out in the field after the low season and so the firsthand u...

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Serengeti Safari Camp

A big male lion is having breakfast 150m away

During the dry spell of the last one or two weeks, the animals were quite disper...

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Serengeti Safari Camp

Serengeti Migration Update

The migration is spread all over the plains, from Makao all the way to the kusin...

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