
Take a look at the things that matter to us

Life long learning & growth

Bye Bye Mahale!  It’s been fantastic!

Kerrie and I have come to the end of one very exciting year managing Greystoke M...

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Conservation & environment

Political shenanigans amongst the Mahale Alpha males

The males of M-community rise and fall from power regularly. Threatening display...

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Health & wellbeing

A wave of generosity on lake Tanganyika

Several groups have brought into Greystoke vital medicines for our local communi...

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Latest Nomad News

Altogether now!

Yesterday Gwekulo was re-united with the wet stuff that makes up Lake Tanganyika...

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Latest Nomad News

Pelican Brief-ly

Since staff here and guests combined got our large feathered friend airborne las...

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Conservation & environment

Back to business

Greystoke managers Kerrie and Jeff were flown back to camp a few days ago in a v...

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Health & wellbeing

Porridgy goodness in Katumbi

Nearly 80 nursery school children in local Katumbi village here on the eastern s...

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Health & wellbeing

One a minute…

Malaria continues to take many lives prematurely here in Africa and at present o...

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Conservation & environment

Greystoke’s Peli-Cam - a Big Bird’s eye view of the Mahale Mountains

It was nearly 4 months ago now that Big Bird swam in from Lake Tanganyika and pr...

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