
Take a look at the things that matter to us

Life long learning & growth

The Lamai Serengeti Employees of the month, 2014/15 season!

Here we are again at the end of the season. The final guests have departed and t...

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Life long learning & growth


Being so close to the villages here in Mahale we think it's important to let the...

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Life long learning & growth

Feeling festive in the Northern Serengeti

We are keeping up the Christmas spirit this year, here's a little blog to give y...

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Life long learning & growth

Lamai’s “Seven Breadly Sins”

The kitchen is the engine room of a lodge and we have a fantastic team of chefs ...

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Life long learning & growth

Bye Bye Mahale!  It’s been fantastic!

Kerrie and I have come to the end of one very exciting year managing Greystoke M...

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Life long learning & growth

Short finals at Kuro…a peek behind the scenes

More often than not, when you're thinking about a holiday, you're looking at glo...

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Life long learning & growth

A Training we Shall Go

So tomorrow is the 2nd of June and the first day of the season, quite odd that i...

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Life long learning & growth

Laptops on the lake shore

A very generous donation of 9 laptop computers made its way to Katumbi primary s...

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Life long learning & growth

Out in the sticks

This lodge is all about the wilderness we live in.Dining, dipping in the pool, r...

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