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Serengeti Safari Camp

Serengeti Migration Update 10

From Remtula Nassary, Nomad Tanzania guide... I've been staying at Lamai Serenge...

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Leopard stand-off at Lamai

Some recent guests to Lamai, the Pleusses from Switzerland, witnessed a standoff...

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Kiba Point

The Dung Wars

We had a lot of rain in the Selous last week which brought out lots of insects i...

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Chimps in camp

Does Primus have the upper hand? The boys came through camp yesterday and fed ...

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The nightly visitor

One little Chada secret got unravelled this week! For some time, Chada camp has ...

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The Mahale truce continues….

The inter-regnum continues at Mahale with no outright successor to Pimu. Yeste...

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Speed and stealth

As we enjoyed another leisurely drive along the riverbank yesterday afternoon, w...

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The drama continues

This morning Chimpanzees walked through Greystoke camp again. They seem to be ...

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A new sense of space

Lucky enough we had good chances to explore bits of Katavi NP over the past two ...

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