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The pack of seven Wild Dogs that we we’re photographing at the beginning of this...

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Little Ones…

There’s three new heart breakers on the scene guys, it doesn’t need any further ...

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Spotting Leopards

Let’s face it - if it was easy it wouldn’t be nearly as exciting, and a leopard ...

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Life long learning & growth

Out in the sticks

This lodge is all about the wilderness we live in.Dining, dipping in the pool, r...

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Latest Nomad News

Although the hippopotamus has no sting, a wise man would prefer to be sat upon by the bee

Our massive amphibious friends have been keeping us well entertained of late. Ca...

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Latest Nomad News

A soft spot for Elephants

..............You must have a favorite though…what is it? Despite a noble speech...

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Latest Nomad News

“A bad days’ fishing is better than a good days’ work”

We couldn’t agree more, although we combine the two more often than most and end...

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Latest Nomad News

Good Gnus

Not the prettiest of our neighbours, the noble wildebeest rarely makes it into t...

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Conservation & environment

Stiegler’s Gorge…’ere be dragons!!

It’s been said before but we’ll say it again; a morning expedition up the Rufiji...

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