
Take a look at the things that matter to us

Life long learning & growth


Being so close to the villages here in Mahale we think it's important to let the...

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Conservation & environment

Nkombo vs the Baboons

Our day was abruptly altered when the cries of a chimpanzee echoed around camp. ...

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Conservation & environment

King Maker

Meet Kalunde, the oldest chimp of the M-group at approximately 54 years. Kalunde...

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Conservation & environment

Drumming in the New Year with the Tongwe

2014 was seen off with a fantastic Christmas here in Mahale. We have had a fanta...

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Conservation & environment


Teddy's just a youngster, but he's already a hit with the girls. Earning himsel...

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Latest Nomad News

Katavi Photo Diary

Late last year journalist Anna Chittenden visited some of Nomad's more remote ca...

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Conservation & environment

Butterfly Flutter By

Mahale truly is a haven for a stunning array of Butterflies. You will seldom wal...

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Health & wellbeing

Progression for Katumbi Village School

When working in such fragile protected areas as Mahale National Park our efforts...

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Latest Nomad News

Enjoy the Rain

We have been experiencing the first of the Mahale rains over the last few days. ...

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