A few days ago we had a very special group of guests here at Greystoke Mahale. Supported by our Nomad Trust, we invited thirty children of the Katumbi Primary School to spend the day with us. The entire team here at Greystoke had been looking forward to this event and everyone was eager and happy to assume some extra work in order to provide a very special experience to the children. They arrived early in the morning and were greeted with a tasty breakfast in order to give them full energy for the chimp trekking. It seemed as the chimps new that something special was going on and stayed not too far from camp. For the children it was their first time to encounter their wild neighbours and they were very excited. After a quick briefing given by our guides off we went into the lush and green forest.

Mandazi, omelette, tea and juice... plates were empty and everyone was happy.

When visiting the chimps it is important to wear masks in order to prevent transmitting deseases.

Happy chimping with Matius
On the way the children learned about the environment, the forest, different mammals and birds and of course told them more about the chimpanzees. The children had a lot of questions and were eager to learn everything about our closest relatives. We went bushwaking through the forest, it was not easy to get to the chimps but then we finally saw them, a few mothers with their babies.

A beautiful walk through the forest

Life demonstration of grooming

And finally... chimps!
Back in camp we split the children into three groups and passed along all the different departments in camp. Our team did a fantastic job in explaining them about their work and daily routines. The most popular place seemed to be our kitchen, was that related to the freshly baked cookies and muffins maybe? After the training we all had late lunch and then it was definitely time to try out the different games we have in camp.

Yoga lesson with Mwiga

Time to play

Butati explaining about the environment and how the children can help protecting it.
We ended the day by sitting together once more and talk about the importance of preserving this beautiful environment so close to their homes.The children had a lot more questions and proofed that they had paid attention to what they had been taught during the day. It was a fantastic experience for all of us and we cannot wait to repeat it. A huge THANK YOU to the Nomad Trust, the entire team here at Greystoke and TANAPA for their support and making this day possible. And last but not least to the children for bringing so much joy and laughter to our camp!
Little presents at the end

And at the end of the day some wonderful memories being taken home.