Zulufa Rashidi, a girl from Katumbi village, Mahale is about to head to Kigoma at the weekend to start a 2 year Teachers Training course. I spoke to her yesterday and she is incredibly excited and thrilled to be able to further her education. Zulufa is being sponsored to go to college by Linda and Ian Parsons from the UK. We hope that she will enjoy her time there and ultimately come back to teach in Katumbi.
There is no secondary school in Katumbi, and the primary school currently has about 790 students in it with 6 government paid teachers. It is hugely oversubscribed as children come from the surrounding villages and rural areas to study there. The teachers have to travel to Kigoma-a 2 day boat trip one way-monthly to collect their wages which means that the school barely functions for about 10 days a month.
The opportunity for some one from the village, let alone a female, to go to college is incredible. A big thank you to the Linda and Ian.
Enhancing Lives
Teachers Training
30 November 2011