Anaeli Makyao
Northern Guide

Anaeli was born and raised in the Kilimanjaro region of northern Tanzania. He had a simple upbringing, with his mother teaching in the local school and his father working for the government as a surveyor. Anaeli's first taste of the wild was a school trip to Mount Meru Game Sanctuary back in the 1980s, where he saw ant eaters, buffalos, and even a chimp up close for the first time. Fascinated by these creatures and inspired by the man guiding them, Anael set his heart on a safari-based career.
Fresh out of guiding school, Anaeli’s first stop was Nomad, where he spent a few months guiding during peak season before working for other companies and building up his many years of experience. Eventually, Anaeli returned to Nomad and took his well-deserved spot in the Northern Guide fleet.
Anaeli is happiest in the wilder parts of Tanzania, so a Chada Katavi safari is guaranteed to put a smile on his face. Keen on animal behaviour, he loves keeping track of the different prides and groups of wildlife he comes across on his game drives.