

Based on 985 reviews

Hear what our guests have to say about us

Each and every review you read has been written by our guests whilst on safari.

A. Ross

Review for sand-rivers

Unique and Special Trip

What a place!! Location perfect. Staff, service, food, wildlife all wonderful. The range of activities here is great and makes for a really unique and special trip. A place to make memories!

D. Peeters

Review for sand-rivers

Incredible Charm, Outstanding Service

Sand Rivers is all about experience and environment. Its location on the banks of the majestic Rufiji river allows for gamedrive, river safari, fishing, hot pools (don't miss it).
The service is outstanding and the lodge has an incredible charm.

T. Reaves

Review for serengeti-safari-camp

Perfect Mix of Luxury

The Nomad camp offers the perfect mix of luxury and proximity to nature. Our experience there was just short of spiritual.

T. and P. Richards

Review for greystoke

"Magical Experience, Beautiful Location"

Magical experience in a beautiful location, cared for by a team of professionals who provide the highest level of service with humour!

Camps visited

L. Webster

Review for entamanu

Wonderful Safari Experience

A wonderful safari experience with an unbelievable visit to a Masai Boma . We are so grateful to Nomad for giving us a once in a lifetime trip

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